So here we are trying for baby number two so I've decided to pull out the big guns and prepare early should I suffer the same fate with the next little cutie pie. What's my solution? Natural Remedies.
Why natural remedies? First of all, conventional meds didn't help one iota the first time around. Secondly, I've witnessed miraculous results among myself, friends and family using safe, natural remedies...for example stopping a miscarriage * instantaneous relief from various stomach ailments * re-grew bone, skin & tissue after accidents * Fast healing of cuts & abrasions * stopped appendicitis * Cold & Flu prevention or fast recovery * Pink Eye * Mood enhancement (natural anti-depressant) * infant earache * constipation * and infant colic to name a few
- Nutrition is how we give our body what it needs to heal and thrive. We must give our body the proper nutrients to work with. just as you wouldn't build a home with toothpicks and marshmallows, nor should you build a baby with soda and twinkies. A living soul needs living foods (fruits, veg, grain, seeds, nuts...) Eat as healthy a diet as possible. Eliminate/decrease mucus forming foods such as processed foods, flour & sugar, and even dairy.
- According to Dr. Tom Brewer, proper & adequate nutrition keeps the blood volume up in pregnancy and prevents a number of issues such as preeclampsia/toxemia (high blood pressure). You can get his diet here.
- Legumes can reduce nausea. I have a pregnant friend who says that eating small amounts of beans every 30 minutes is giving her relief (she said she thought she was better and stopped the beans only to get sick again within 2 weeks). You can read about how beans works here but basically eating legumes help remove bile in your system that cause the nausea. BTW, this bile is produced by the liver, thus a liver cleanse would be beneficial too (drinking 16 oz of juiced carrots has worked well for me)...there are also herbal liver cleanses you do (just make sure your bowels are working (see constipation post coming up next).C
- Constipation: Constipation and pregnancy seem to go hand in hand. But if you can keep yourself constipation-free, it will help you feel much better ( read this post for details/solutions )
Prenatal vitamins:
Prescription and OTC vitamins are often difficult for the body to assimilate and will thus be treated as waste product. Here are some better alternatives:
- Vitalerbs by Dr. Christopher which is a nutrient dense, whole food vitamin and mineral. 2-6 capsules 3x/day. You can read more about it here. I highly recommend it.
- Floradix: Some woman have a hard time with their pre-natal vitamins because of the iron. Floradix is a natural iron supplement with a very highly absorbable form of iron
- Dandelion: yes, I'm referring to the weed in your has the highest source of iron content found anywhere
Essential Oil for Nausea:
I've just recently begun using essential oils by doTERRA and they are amazing, even miraculous in their effect. With oils, you generally get what you pay for. As a rule of thumb, all quality oils will be in the same price range. I personally would not use an oil you find at the local market. doTERRA is a high grade, pure oil.
Digestzen by doTERRA has become a must have in my home...LOVE IT!! It has stopped upset stomachs (even severe) in literally seconds for myself, husband, toddler, and teen relative. I have 4 pregnant friends who have tried it and found relief. Put a drop under tongue and/or rub a drop over belly in a clockwise circular motion.
Herbs for Nausea
Ginger Capsules - proven to work better than OTC (over the counter) motion sickness meds i.e. Dramamine. I suffer from motion sickness and can vouch for this.
- How to take ginger pills: take enough pills until you taste the herb in the back of your throat. Take 2 capsules, wait a few minutes; continue taking 1 at a time (waiting a few minutes in between) until you taste in back of your throat (I don’t mean spitting it up either). Go slow so you don’t overdue it and give yourself heartburn
Red Rasberry Leaf (capsule or tea): I'm not talking about the actual fruit, but rather the leaves. It's a great all around pregnancy and reproductive aid also good for nausea. drinking a cup of tea (or more) a day will also build a strong, healthy placenta. available online, health stores, and some grocery stores sell organic tea. fyi: also great during flu season as a preventative:) A delicious MUST at my home
More herbal suggestions can be read at Dr. Christopher was an LDS master herbalist with an amazing story whose products I can vouch for (they have worked miraculously on a few occasions in my own and extended family). Suggestions include spearment tea (works great for upset tummies), cloves, cinammon, turkey ruhbarb, and wild yam.
TEAS: ginger root, peppermint, spearmint, raspberry leaf, chamomille, fennel and lemon and honey mix
Several homeopathic remedies can help; they include Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Sepia, and Ipecac, depending on what kind of nausea and vomiting that you may have. Choose the one that matches your condition most (I will sometimes rotate several until I get the result)
Antimonium Tart: You will feel like vomiting soon after eating a meal - usually its undigested food and you feel really tired, like lying down on the sofa most of the time.Look at the vomit. Is there a thick and stringy mucus mixed with bile? If yes, then this remedy will work wonders.
Argentum Nit: You dread being sick, feel anxious about it all the time. You are farting a lot and want to eat lost of sweet foods.The sickness is made a little better from cold drinks and being in a cold atmosphere. Being in a warm room makes you feel unwell.
Ipecac: You just feel sick a lot of the time. Your mouth gets filled with saliva that you have to swallow. Look at your tongue. Is it clean? Ipecac has a clean tongue. You don't feel very thirsty and sometimes can feel a bit faint.
Petroleum: You feel generally sick but still you never loose your appetite. Mouth has lots of spit, some heartburn. You feel hungry in the middle of the night.
Pulsatilla: Emotionally you feel tearful and frail. The nausea and sickness comes and goes with no clear pattern. But you can't bear fatty foods and your tongue has a thick yellow/white coating on it. You would like to drink cold lemonade. Feeling a bit worse afternoons and evenings.
Nux Vomica;There is a hung-over kind of feeling to the nux state, a heavy head, a bit fuzzy. You may vomit or retch after breakfast, being generally worse in the morning. Your mouth has a bitter acid taste. You have become a bit constipated and generally irritable, snappy.
Anarcardium: This is similar to nux vomica but not so much in the morning and the nausea is relieved by eating.
Natrum Phos: A creamy yellow coating at the back of your tongue. Sour vomiting and burping, slightly greenish diarrhoea. Feeling achey in joints.
Carbolic Acid: Your sense of smell has become very strong. You long for stimulants, tobacco or alcohol but can't have any. Lots of farting, constipation and your breath has become smelly. - or you think it has.
Sepia: One of the most reliable remedies for morning sickness.All of the usual suspects.. but the nausea and sickness etc are accompanied by a dragging sensation around the lower abdomen. You are feeling tired and disconnected, no emotions, overwhelmed by the situation.
Sulphur: This remedy has burning acidic vomit which smells awful. You feel worse on waking in the morning, and may have an itchy skin rash and feel very hot.
Tabacum: This is a case of extreme nausea, which is made worse by the least motion, You mouth feels full of saliva all the time, you look pale and feel weak and have a sinking feeling at the pit of your stomach. Generally you don't want to be covered up and there may be some itching on the skin - this could be anywhere on the whole body during pregnancy.
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Around 1 in 300 women suffer from a severe on-going nausea and vomiting called hyperemesis gravidarum which may necessitate a stay in hospital for bed rest, rehydration and nutrient replacement. This condition is linked to the very high levels of oestrogen and chorionic gonadtropin which is released by the placenta increasingly until the end of the first trimester.
Some specialists feel that this condition is a symptom of a deeper psychological reaction to stress and that the chance to get away from the causation is all that is required. IF you do have this diagnosed and have medical intervention for it, remember that these remedies are very good for 'AND ALSO'.. so never just rely on orthodox medicine when you can add a more individual remedy to help YOUR health improve on a physical, mental and emotional level.
Whatever the cause, it is a very harrowing condition and practical treatment should be offered. There is a homeopathic remedy specific for the condition, Symthoricarpus Racemosa 200c every other day is considered a specific especially if these characteristic symptoms are present.Violent vomiting with nausea and retching, better from lying on the back and worse for movement.
I LOVE Hyland's brand. I started off buying them seperately and liked them so much that I bought these 2 kits.
This is a basic kit for children & a good starter kit
This is for those who already use homeopathic medicine, like their benefit, and want to have a variety on hand.
A final suggestion for nausea is
acupressure wrist bands for motion sickness.
I'll admit I tried them once on an airplane and they did not help...but I also know of people who say they work great.
Whew! That's it!!! I'll end with my lit'l disclaimer---I'm not a doctor so this is not an attempt to give medical advice or treatment. This is my personal arsenal of ideas to get me through my next pregnancy.