Friday, October 14, 2011

Repent Every Single Day---For Real?! (Part 2 of 2)

Here's the personal inventory from part 1 but this time, it becomes an intimate conversation with God:
Blessings / Character AssetsSins  / Character Defects
Patient & loving with grumpy child (thank you for my beautiful child, thank you for helping me love first)Woke up late (Please help me wake up on time so that I can be a blessing to my family i.e. avoiding the stress of the rush)
attentive & took notes in church (Thank you for the gospel and for all I learn at church.  Bishop taught that if I prepare to partake of the sacrament, I will feel Thy spirit abundantly; please help me to fully apply this counselForgot morning prayer (I don't want a prayerless home or prayerless heart.  Please forgive me.  I will set a reminder alarm; please help me learn diligence)
complimented child for reverence in church (I'm thankful that my child understands reverence / why we are reverent in Your house)Snapped at husband for forgetting to bring diaper bag  ( Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth.  Keep watch over the doors of my lips (Psalms 141:3)
Lord brought to my mind a blessing I received yesterday (Thank You so much for reminding me of (that) blessing.  It has helped me to ___.  May I always see & acknowledge thine hand in my life)was late to a meeting (I see a trend of tardiness.  I don't want to be late for my life or late to answer your call to serve.  Help me improve now so that when it matters, I'll show up)
realized judging Susie was unfair; silently asked God for forgiveness & to allow me to see her through His eyes (thank you for pricking my heart to see my unfair judgement of Susie so that I could repent immediately and treat her fairly.)judged Susie for a comment she made  (Help me to see Susie as you see her, to love her as you do.  Forgive me for judging her and help me to love first and judge last)
made family a nice lunch even though I didn't feel like it (service is not always easy or convenient.  I'm thankful for my  family &  pray I will always always have a servant's heart)My mind was wondering when Frank spoke to me today (Love seeketh not her own.  Forgive me for placing myself above Frank.)
had personal and family scripture study & prayer (thank you for scriptures that teach me how to follow Christ.  I read this passage on judging others  "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous (Ps. 19:9). The mortal problem, My problem, is  I don't judge righteously & perfectly.  Help me relinquish all judgement to Thee, the perfect judge.

This prayer is very specific.  Sometimes we underestimate the power of being specific in prayer (often steering toward generalities)…but think about it, if you want a specific answer, you must ask a specific question.

This prayer is personal and intimate.  It's a genuine conversation about my real problems...a heartfelt communication between Father and child.

 This prayer gets to the heart of the matter.   Who I am from day to day.  I get necessarily uncomfortable listing the same defect over and over.   I can't hide from the truth.  It's there in black & white and has a way of spurring on change.

With a new, keen awareness of our comings and goings, we can "continue to watch for selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear" as AA's Big Book. "When these crop up we:
  1. Ask God at once to remove them.
  2. Discuss them with someone immediately (when appropriate).
  3. Make direct amends quickly if we have harmed anyone (if to do so would not further injure them or others).
  4. Resolutely turn our thoughts to someone we can help".
 I can testify that your prayers will be more sincere, you will be more open to hear God’s whisperings, and your relationship to God and the Savior will abound.


My Peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, give I unto you.
(John 14:27)

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